On employment, attitudes and skills
Uganda, with one of the biggest youthful population also has one of the highest levels of youth unemployment. This means that unemployment is extremely high and that the most affected are the youth. Now, we all know that the youthful years are the most productive. This implies that Uganda's unemployed youth are a hindrance to national development. The unemployment problem seems to be getting worse despite the impressive economic growth. In short, Uganda has experienced jobless economic growth! Ofcourse some people will be quick to point to the high population growth. May be they have a point. May be not. One only has to look at China to read my mind. What is surprising is that whereas as we have a lot of "qualified youth" waiting for their first job, the private sector is struggling to find suitable employable talent. Or better, the business managers are struggling to match the available skills and attitudes to their jobs! So where is the problem? Could it be that the...